WITH  Jesus

    FOR Jesus



-10 AM-

Join us Sunday mornings at

2600 Lakeside Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88005

for Praise, Worship and Teachings with Pastor Joel Oates!



What kind of sight and vision does God want us to have in the coming year! New obstacles and new challenges always create new opportunities to trust and see God in new ways or once again try to forge our own path on our own! One Vision offers life, while the other takes it from you. There is a Vision that is bigger than you, and Vision that God wants to lay before you in the coming year to not merely transfer your sight but transform your heart! Come discover a new Vision, a Vision of the Cross of Christ that will bring to places you’ve never found on your own!

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. as we journey through this New Vision over the Next 3 Weeks. Let’s prepare our hearts to head in a New Direction for 2025!

Join us Sunday mornings as we study and fellowship together!

Check out our Sunday morning LIVESTREAM!

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“Crossroads Community Church is a movement of God that intersects people to a dynamic love relationship WITH JESUS; Equipping through Word & Prayer to live FOR JESUS; While passionately answering the call to tell the world ABOUT JESUS!”